Tag: financial planning

Kris Dureau Financial Advisor, 3 Hats Financial, The Ride Podcast, The Ride: Life, Work and Wealth.

Retirement Regrets: Avoiding Common Pitfalls (Ep. 75)

Retirement Regrets: Avoiding Common Pitfalls (Ep. 75)

Welcome to The Ride: Life Work and Wealth podcast, brought to you by Green Private Wealth, where we empower you to optimize your financial journey. Today’s episode delves into the often-overlooked aspect of retirement: regrets. While many envision retirement as a golden period, unforeseen challenges can arise, impacting financial stability and overall well-being. Join us as we explore common regrets shared by retirees, offering insights and strategies to navigate these potential pitfalls.

Key Points Covered:

  • Spending Habits: Discussing the regret of not spending more in early retirement years and the importance of balancing financial prudence with enjoying life’s pleasures.
  • Three Phases of Retirement: Exploring the dynamics of the “go go,” “slow go,” and “no go” phases and their implications on spending habits and lifestyle choices.
  • Financial Planning: Stressing the significance of retirement income projection plans to ensure financial security while enjoying retirement.
  • Impact on Family Dynamics: Addressing the dynamics of retirees assisting adult children financially and the importance of balancing generosity with financial stability.
  • Timing of Retirement: Examining reasons for delaying retirement and the potential regret of not retiring earlier, backed by insightful statistics and real-life anecdotes.
  • Purpose and Relationships: Emphasizing the need for retirees to discover their purpose, build new relationships, and engage in fulfilling activities to enhance overall well-being.
  • Health and Longevity: Highlighting the correlation between health, longevity, and retirement satisfaction, with practical tips inspired by the Blue Zones lifestyle.

Benefits for Listeners:

  • Gain insights into common retirement regrets and strategies to avoid them.
  • Learn practical tips for balancing financial prudence with enjoying retirement.
  • Discover the importance of purpose, relationships, and health in retirement satisfaction.
  • Find inspiration to plan for a fulfilling retirement tailored to individual aspirations and values.

We invite you to share your thoughts, questions, and personal experiences regarding retirement regrets and strategies for a fulfilling retirement. Connect with us on Facebook, LinkedIn, or visit our website, GreenPrivateWealth.com, to continue the conversation.

Don’t miss out on optimizing your retirement journey. Subscribe to the Ride: Life Work and Wealth podcast on iTunes or Spotify for more financial insights. Until next time, remember: your retirement dreams deserve a plan that empowers your best life.

The 8 Popular Myths of Retirement (Ep. 61)

The 8 Popular Myths of Retirement (Ep. 61)

There is no doubt that planning for retirement can seem like a complex process, and even thinking about it can be stressful.

Nowadays media, politicians, financial services, businesses – everyone has been talking about retirement. With so much information, it is easy to get overwhelmed. In this episode, Kris Dureau debunks eight popular myths about retirement that might be stressful to pre-retirees as they plan for their retirement. 

Kris discusses:

  • Where and how retirement myths originate, as well as how they affect retirees
  • The importance of starting retirement planning at an early age.
  • The reasons why many people procrastinate about saving for retirement
  • Why retirement isn’t about having a specific amount, but about having an income that suits your lifestyle
  • Why you should continue to contribute to your CPP pension and old-age security
  • The difficulty retirees face in spending their money
  • And more!


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Traveling to the USA? Here’s How It Might Affect Your Taxes (Ep. 60)

Traveling to the USA? Here’s How It Might Affect Your Taxes (Ep. 60)

Many Canadians pack their suitcases as it gets colder and fly off to warmer places in the USA. While that sounds like a wonderful idea, it is important to know the tax implications of your trip.

In this episode, Kris Dureau provides a brief overview of tax-related nuances you need to keep in mind as a frequent traveler to the USA.

Kris discusses:

  • The importance of consulting an accountant who is experienced in cross-border taxation
  • How the length of your stay affects your tax situation (Substantial Presence Test)
  • Insights into taxation on US-sourced income
  • And more!


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15 Quick Tips to Secure Your Finances Now and in the Future (Ep. 47)

15 Quick Tips to Secure Your Finances Now and in the Future (Ep. 47)

Financial planning is not just about securing your tomorrow. It’s also about living a better today.

In this rapid-fire style episode, Kris Dureau walks you through 15 quick-hit tips to help you get a better handle on your finances, both now and in the future. Investments, tax planning, wealth transfer, debt management —Kris covers it all!

Kris discusses:

  • Accounts you should regularly contribute money towards
  • Steps you can take to weather market volatility
  • How to keep your finances organized (for you, your family, and your advisor)
  • Often-overlooked financial planning areas 
  • And more!


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35. Planning for Your Children’s Post-Secondary Education? Don’t Wait to Start Saving

35. Planning for Your Children’s Post-Secondary Education? Don’t Wait to Start Saving

We all know that time flies, especially when your kids are growing up.

That’s why looking at college costs, which can be significant, is better done sooner rather than later.

In this episode, Kris Dureau discusses everything around the Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP) and ways parents can use them to save for their child’s post-secondary education. Kris examines the basics of the plan, the tax savings, and even the options for parents who open an RESP account but their child decides not to attend school.

Kris discusses:

  • Types of RESP accounts
  • The tax benefits that come from having an RESP
  • Reasons why you must pay attention to RESP-related risks
  • Three options for parents who opened an RESP account but their child decides not to attend school
  • And more!

Connect with Kris Dureau:

Episode 23 – Spring Clean Your Finances With These 6 Steps

Episode 23 – Spring Clean Your Finances With These 6 Steps

With spring upon us, now is the perfect time to do some financial closet-cleaning.

Are you ready to get started?

Join Kris Dureau in this episode as he guides you through your financial spring cleaning with six simple steps that will help you get your finances organized and ready for the coming seasons.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • The benefits of a financial filing system 
  • Why you should always review your investments and rebalance your portfolio
  • Which insurance policies you should be checking on
  • How to verify your credit score 
  • And more!

Listen in and start sprucing up your financial picture today!  

Resources:  Resources: Cashflow Spreadsheet | Equifax | TransUnion

Connect with Kris Dureau:

Episode 16 – How to Retire Well — Part 2

Episode 16 – How to Retire Well — Part 2

It’s no secret that when it comes to preparing for retirement, one major question pre-retirees are asking is, “Will I have enough to retire?”

In part two of his miniseries on retiring well, Kris Dureau reveals how you can find out the answer to this question. He highlights three financial areas to consider when assessing your retirement-related finances, assets, and benefits so that you can achieve the retirement lifestyle you’ve always desired.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • The difference between discretionary and non-discretionary expenses
  • How to plan for your retirement cash flow
  • Why you should create a debt inventory — and how to do it
  • How creating three financial buckets can help your portfolio in retirement 
  • And more!

Tune in now to discover actionable tips for preparing your finances to retire well!

Resources:  How to Retire Well – Part 1 | Cash flow Spreadsheet | Retirement Shift Worksheet

Connect with Kris Dureau:

Episode 15 – How to Retire Well – Part 1

Episode 15 – How to Retire Well – Part 1

When you retire, what will you retire to? How do you envision your retirement? 

To help you create a smooth transition into life’s next chapter, join Kris Dureau for this new two-part mini-series on what it takes to retire well. In part one, Kris examines the mental side of retirement and breaks down five unique qualitative exercises that are designed to help retirees understand what retirement means to them.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • How the retirement landscape is changing
  • Three Hats Financial’s five stages of retirement coaching 
  • How clients have benefited from Three Hats’ retirement planning techniques 
  • How the My Retirement Worksheet can help you adjust to retirement 
  • And more!

Tune in now to discover key ways you can transition into your retirement so that you can live, and retire, well!

Resources:   Epic Retirement Clip 

Connect with Kris Dureau:

Episode 14 – What to Know Before Making a Midlife Career Change — With Lisa Taylor

Episode 14 – What to Know Before Making a Midlife Career Change — With Lisa Taylor

Do you want to pursue a new career but are unsure whether you should truly go for it? 

In this episode, Kris Dureau sits down with the Challenge Factory’s Lisa Taylor. Lisa is an in-demand speaker with expert insight into today’s changing workforce. Now, Lisa details how transitioning to a new career path can be life-changing and what you can do to achieve it! 

In this episode, you will learn:

  • How to conquer the fear of making a career change
  • The 4 domains of changing career paths: needs, talents, passions, and impact
  • Where to receive career counselling and guidance 
  • Ageism in the workforce
  • And more!

Tune in and discover how Kris and Lisa can help you on your new career journey! 

Resources: Challenge Factory

Connect with Kris Dureau:

Episode 13 — What Should you Know When Buying a New or Used Car — With Greg Carrasco

Episode 13 — What Should you Know When Buying a New or Used Car — With Greg Carrasco

Buying a new car is never a simple process, especially when there is so much to consider.

To help you better navigate the process, Kris Dureau enlists the help of Greg Carrasco for today’s episode. As the host of The Greg Carrasco Show, one of the most influential and largest automotive radio shows in Canada, Greg has over 27 years of experience in the automotive industry and is well-versed in all things cars.

Today, Greg shares tips and tricks to help you make the best decisions when buying a vehicle.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • How COVID-19 has impacted the automotive industry
  • The best time of year to buy a vehicle
  • Strategies for trading in your vehicle
  • The importance of buying an extended warranty
  • And more!

Join Kris and Greg now for your run-down on what you should consider when shopping for your next car!

Resources: The Greg Carrasco Show

Connect with Kris Dureau: