Tag: Finances

Retirement Regrets: Avoiding Common Pitfalls (Ep. 75)

Retirement Regrets: Avoiding Common Pitfalls (Ep. 75)

Welcome to The Ride: Life Work and Wealth podcast, brought to you by Green Private Wealth, where we empower you to optimize your financial journey. Today’s episode delves into the often-overlooked aspect of retirement: regrets. While many envision retirement as a golden period, unforeseen challenges can arise, impacting financial stability and overall well-being. Join us as we explore common regrets shared by retirees, offering insights and strategies to navigate these potential pitfalls.

Key Points Covered:

  • Spending Habits: Discussing the regret of not spending more in early retirement years and the importance of balancing financial prudence with enjoying life’s pleasures.
  • Three Phases of Retirement: Exploring the dynamics of the “go go,” “slow go,” and “no go” phases and their implications on spending habits and lifestyle choices.
  • Financial Planning: Stressing the significance of retirement income projection plans to ensure financial security while enjoying retirement.
  • Impact on Family Dynamics: Addressing the dynamics of retirees assisting adult children financially and the importance of balancing generosity with financial stability.
  • Timing of Retirement: Examining reasons for delaying retirement and the potential regret of not retiring earlier, backed by insightful statistics and real-life anecdotes.
  • Purpose and Relationships: Emphasizing the need for retirees to discover their purpose, build new relationships, and engage in fulfilling activities to enhance overall well-being.
  • Health and Longevity: Highlighting the correlation between health, longevity, and retirement satisfaction, with practical tips inspired by the Blue Zones lifestyle.

Benefits for Listeners:

  • Gain insights into common retirement regrets and strategies to avoid them.
  • Learn practical tips for balancing financial prudence with enjoying retirement.
  • Discover the importance of purpose, relationships, and health in retirement satisfaction.
  • Find inspiration to plan for a fulfilling retirement tailored to individual aspirations and values.

We invite you to share your thoughts, questions, and personal experiences regarding retirement regrets and strategies for a fulfilling retirement. Connect with us on Facebook, LinkedIn, or visit our website, GreenPrivateWealth.com, to continue the conversation.

Don’t miss out on optimizing your retirement journey. Subscribe to the Ride: Life Work and Wealth podcast on iTunes or Spotify for more financial insights. Until next time, remember: your retirement dreams deserve a plan that empowers your best life.

Start Getting Your Time Back with Family Offices Services with Paul Marion, CLU, CHS (Ep. 42)

Start Getting Your Time Back with Family Offices Services with Paul Marion, CLU, CHS (Ep. 42)

Do you want to start saving time so you can focus more on the things that matter the most to you?

In this episode, the executive managing director of tax and wealth at Harbourfront Wealth Management, Paul Marion, joins Kris Dureau to unveil everything you need to know about family offices and how they differ from traditional wealth management firms. Paul explains how family offices offer clients the control and flexibility they need when having a team managing their finances and investments.  

Paul discusses:

  • The purpose of  family offices and the reasons they have increased over the past years
  • Reasons why a family office may be a right fit for you
  • How to get started with your family office
  • The practical side of family offices 
  • And more!

Connect with Paul Marion:

Connect with Kris Dureau:

About Our Guest:

Paul Marion is a demonstrated leader with over thirty years of senior management experience. Having dedicated the past two decades to championing growth and innovation within the Canadian financial industry, Paul has held several leadership roles and now serves as the executive managing director of tax & wealth planning at Harbourfront Wealth Management.

Third-party services and advice are received on a best effort basis, when every attempt is made to receive the best services and advice there is no guarantee that they will generate the best results in all circumstances. Clients are free to seek independent services and advice. Harbourfront Wealth Management Inc. will not be responsible for any damages that may occur from these third-party service providers. Clients may have to deal with separate regulatory bodies in case there is a dispute. There may or may not be a referral fee received, please ask your advisor for more information.


Stop Procrastinating Your Estate Planning (Ep. 39)

Stop Procrastinating Your Estate Planning (Ep. 39)

Regardless of your age or assets, there are some things that you should be aware of when it comes to estate planning.

In this episode, Kris Dureau answers many of your estate planning questions. Along with some real-life experiences, Kris helps you understand how important it is to have your will in place and how you can get it done with the help of a few other documents.

Kris discusses:

  • How often you should be reviewing your will
  • Accompanying documents you should have along with your will
  • What accounts you can name beneficiaries on
  • Rules with common-law marriages
  • And more!


Connect with Kris Dureau:

Getting Divorced During the Pandemic? Here are the Tips You Need to Know (Ep. 38)

Getting Divorced During the Pandemic? Here are the Tips You Need to Know (Ep. 38)

Divorce brings a lot of uncertainty. Going through a divorce during a global pandemic has only made the situation worse. 

In this episode, Kris Dureau explains the costs and steps of getting divorced during the pandemic. He provides the rundown that couples need to swap uncertainty for certainty and find the best financial route when facing a marriage separation.

Kris discusses:

  • Ways advisors like him can help couples navigate their finances during divorce 
  • His role as a neutral separation resource 
  • Tips for finding a divorce-specialist lawyer 
  • How the pandemic is affecting couples in already stress-filled relationships 
  • The process of purchasing a home after divorce
  • And more!

Connect with Kris Dureau:

37. Estate Planning for Families With Special Needs Children With Fred Ryall

37. Estate Planning for Families With Special Needs Children With Fred Ryall

Having a special needs family member carries unique, emotional, and financial concerns.

That’s why it’s important to work with a professional who understands exactly what you are facing.

In this episode, Kris Dureau welcomes Fred Ryall, an estate practitioner with more than 40 years of experience. For the last 15 years, Fred has worked with special needs children and adults to help them with their unique planning needs. In fact, he received the Queen Elizabeth the Second Diamond Jubilee Award from the Governor-General of Canada for his efforts.

Fred joins the show to share his insight about estate planning for families with special needs members. He explains the areas of the planning process that need to be considered and reveals why documenting details about a disabled child is so important.

Fred discusses:

  • The unique challenges families with special needs children face
  • What a Henson trust is and how it benefits those with special needs 
  • Easy ways to document and organize your child’s details 
  • Five key areas of the planning process he covers with the families he works with
  • And more!

Connect with Fred Ryall:

Connect with Kris Dureau:

About our Guest:

For over 35 years, Fred has been providing financial and estate planning advice for self-employed business owners, designated professionals, executives, and families to ensure social and family legacies.

Some of his recent professional accomplishments include receiving the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Award from the Governor-General of Canada for his planning with families who have special needs children. In 2007, he also received the Julia Award from Cystic Fibrosis Canada.

Fred has had the privilege to speak to several other special needs organizations including, Cystic Fibrosis Canada, Canadian Down Syndrome Society, ALS Canada, Autism Ontario, Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada, 18th Chromosome Deficiency, Alzheimer Society Canada, and the Peel Public School Board’s Special Needs Programs.

28. 8 Ways You Can Earn Your Financial Self-Defence Black Belt

28. 8 Ways You Can Earn Your Financial Self-Defence Black Belt

Kris Dureau has practiced martial arts since he was 12 years old.

This hobby taught him that self-defence is all about situational awareness, so that he can identify and avoid bad situations.

In this episode, Kris Dureau highlights how martial arts principles can apply to eight key areas of your financial life. By practicing these principles, you, too, can learn to protect yourself and gain situational awareness around your money.

Kris discusses:

  • Why you should review your insurance policies regularly 
  • How knowing your household cash flow can protect your finances 
  • The idea of paying yourself first
  • Benefits of debt inventory and planning 
  • The importance of portfolio protection for soon-to-be retirees 
  • Reasons to get power of attorney documents ASAP
  • And more


Connect with Kris Dureau:

Episode 23 – Spring Clean Your Finances With These 6 Steps

Episode 23 – Spring Clean Your Finances With These 6 Steps

With spring upon us, now is the perfect time to do some financial closet-cleaning.

Are you ready to get started?

Join Kris Dureau in this episode as he guides you through your financial spring cleaning with six simple steps that will help you get your finances organized and ready for the coming seasons.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • The benefits of a financial filing system 
  • Why you should always review your investments and rebalance your portfolio
  • Which insurance policies you should be checking on
  • How to verify your credit score 
  • And more!

Listen in and start sprucing up your financial picture today!  

Resources:  Resources: Cashflow Spreadsheet | Equifax | TransUnion

Connect with Kris Dureau:

Episode 16 – How to Retire Well — Part 2

Episode 16 – How to Retire Well — Part 2

It’s no secret that when it comes to preparing for retirement, one major question pre-retirees are asking is, “Will I have enough to retire?”

In part two of his miniseries on retiring well, Kris Dureau reveals how you can find out the answer to this question. He highlights three financial areas to consider when assessing your retirement-related finances, assets, and benefits so that you can achieve the retirement lifestyle you’ve always desired.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • The difference between discretionary and non-discretionary expenses
  • How to plan for your retirement cash flow
  • Why you should create a debt inventory — and how to do it
  • How creating three financial buckets can help your portfolio in retirement 
  • And more!

Tune in now to discover actionable tips for preparing your finances to retire well!

Resources:  How to Retire Well – Part 1 | Cash flow Spreadsheet | Retirement Shift Worksheet

Connect with Kris Dureau: